TravelingMorgansBlog Working our way around the contiguous 48 states in our RV.

September 26, 2015

The Possible Conclusion of Our Travels.

Filed under: 2015 — admin @ 6:12 PM

Well, Larry and Phyllis made it to our new home, at least for this winter. We arrived Monday, Sept. 21. I apologize for not posting sooner, but I have been busy getting us set up (including reliable internet access) for a long stay. Our truck now has been unloaded. I have also been trying to take help with some of Phyllis’ tasks.

Our travels from Indiana to the San Antonio area were very hard on Phyllis. In spite of long stops at Memphis TN, Tyler TX, and Franklin TX, Phyllis was very weak when we arrived and suffered from digestive issues as well as the pain that has become a constant companion.

We also had 2 issues arise with our truck (which we nursed through and will get repaired now).

Our Travel Trailer had a major issue in Buffalo TX. The shackles for the springs and axles on the right rear broke for the second time. We also found one other that was cracked. A welder happened to be at the filling station, and three hours later we were on our way. His fee was reasonable and he had us make out the check to his church.

Now that we are in the San Antonio area, we will get Phyllis started with medical help that lets her see the same professionals over a period of time. One of the disadvantages of being in a different site in the summer and often working winters as well is you are always seeing new medical professionals, or doing without medical support.

Larry will also see if he can find clients for technical support or find other work.

As for TravelingMorgans.Com, there are at least two years worth of work ahead to get all of our material loaded on it. Then Larry will begin to get it optimized for search engines and make it more friendly to phones and tablets.

Right now Larry is getting the BADLANDS section updated from our time in South Dakota last year.
He will send out a newsletter when this is updated for production.

If you want to follow along, use this link:
This will be the new introductory page for an 8 page section. The links to the other pages are on the left for now.
I have elected not to mention this in the PREVIEW tab, but may do this later.

Will we begin traveling again and working our way around the country? Unless the quality of life improves considerably for Phyllis, this will not be feasible. Hopefully, her quality of life will improve. Since our travels were financed by our working, we will have to find some other funding to travel, even if Phyllis improves enough to travel. The web site is one way.

Larry will also be uploading our AMAZON connection, and we may see some funding from Amazon “finders fees”.
There is an AMAZON tab on most pages of our web site, including
For those that want to go straight to Amazon, try
We have pages of personally tested recommendations for products in several categories
There is also an Amazon Category Search page
We will certainly listen to any suggestions from our friends on how to make our Amazon connection easier and more useful to our friends and visitors.

Larry could get some internet based technical work to fund travels, but has not found any yet.

If this is the end of our travels, we have had a marvelous run and seen many things we had not expected to be able to see.
We plan to enjoy ourselves whatever happens.

Please let us know how things are going in your life. We love to get together with old friends and communicate with them if we cannot get together.

Larry of the Traveling Morgans

Phyllis, Larry, Roscoe, Harpo

September 7, 2015

Greetings from Memphis

Filed under: 2015 — admin @ 5:46 AM
Pink Limo Pickup

Pink Limo Pickup

The Traveling Morgans have started their trip back to Texas.
Since the summer job did not work out, we will start Winter early this year and
try to get some medical help for Phyllis. Our stay is at Bulverde, just North of San Antonio.

We are presently at Memphis, and celebrated our 47 th wedding anniversary a few day late by visiting
Marlowe’s BBQ, which is a favorite for both of us. We stay at the Graceland RV Park, and Marlowes
will send a Pink Cadillac Limousine to pick us up or deliver very good food. Graceland RV Park is just behind
the Heartbreak Hotel at the very end of Lonely Street.

We will leave the visits to Graceland to true Elvis fans. Elvis had possibly more influence on American Culture than any other person in the
20th century, but we have not felt any need to idolize or visit his home.

There are many reasons to visit Memphis.
Many involve music such as blues and how it evolved to rock ‘n roll.
Good food tops the list, including two schools of barbecue.

From Memphis, we will head to Tyler TX for a few days, then on to Bulverde.

July 19, 2015

Sometimes you must take a step back before you can go forward.

Filed under: 2015 — admin @ 7:48 AM

Sometimes you must take a step back before you can go forward.
All Journeys ultimately come to an end.

Which is it for the Traveling Morgans? We are not sure.
We have been on the road for eleven years, working our way around the country. We have not seen everything we wanted to see, but we have seen more than we ever thought we would see.

Our summer job did not work out this year.
Phyllis was in a lot of pain and facing other physical issues.
The job did not make all of the allowances that were promised.

We are now in Columbus Indiana, and we will head to Texas early this fall.
Phyllis will attempt to get adequate medical care there, and we will see if she can heal enough to travel again.
If we do travel again, Phyllis will not be working.
This winter, Larry will attempt to find part-time work near San Antonio that matches his skill set.
He will also try to market his photographs and writings of our travels.

We will also investigate a place that we can permanently park our travel trailer in case Phyllis cannot continue traveling.

If the traveling is at an end, we have had a wonderful run and seen more amazing things than we ever thought would be possible. We continually advise people not to wait to follow their dream. Tomorrow is not guaranteed for anyone. We are glad we followed our dream when we did.

Larry will resume developing our web site. There are at least two years worth of material that are not properly developed, so you will continue see major changes to the web site.

Perhaps we will have some “guest writers & photographers” cover areas we have not traveled personally. There would be full credit given, but since our web site is not making any money, payment would not be possible at this time. Let us know if you are interested. We have some big gaps and some areas have only skimpy coverage.

If you are going to be in the San Antonio area this winter, lets get together!
We well have good Internet service, so Skype is also a possibility.

Please let us know what is going on in your life and where you are.

April 15, 2015

Leaving Indy to go to our Summer Job

Filed under: 2015 — admin @ 8:10 AM

Larry has been busy with a young grand child.

Larry, Aiden and 1949 Lionel Engine

Larry and Aiden with Larry’s 1949 Lionel engine.

Aiden has the “toy train gene” that skipped a generation.
The only page fully updates is our 2013 travels, which is finally ready for use.

The 2014 page is making progress
but is not complete. The 2015 page has not been started.

April 15 we move to our summer job near Roselawn IN.

April 1, 2015

Memphis Stop

Filed under: 2015 — admin @ 9:18 AM
The Pink Limo from Marlowes

The Pink Limo from Marlowes

Phyllis and I travel the country and love to stop at new places and at favorite places. In Memphis, Marlowes sends a pink limo (no charge) to pick us up at the Graceland campground and take us to their very fun restaurant. BBQ in Memphis is different from Texas BBQ, but very interesting and fun.

Next stop is Indianapolis

March 6, 2015

Traveling Morgans Getting Ready for Spring Travels

Filed under: 2015 — admin @ 9:54 PM
Yellow Mounds area of Badlands NP in SD

Yellow Mounds area of Badlands NP in SD

The above picture was from last spring on our way to Crazy Horse.

Our time in the beautiful Hill Country of Texas is coming to a close.
We have found a nice little hide-a-away campground with just 15 sites in the quaint little town of Wimberley.

We have had a very wet winter, and the gorgeous Spring roadside wildflowers that make the Hill Country famous should be unbelievable this year. We may or may not get a chance to see them. We will be leaving earlier than usual since our summer job starts April 15, and we want some time with our daughter and grandson whom are on our way.

We will be working in Indiana for the first time since we hit the road 10 years ago. We will be at Oak Lake campground just south of the town of Roselawn near I-65 between Merrillville and Lafayette.

Phyllis is still having trouble with her back and cannot walk much. We had hoped a new medication would make things better, but it is not enough. Again we have found a job that will let her work mostly from a sitting position and owners that will work with us. It will also be our first summer working in a destination campground, where families come to spend time in the campground and campground activities are a major part of the attraction. We are looking forward to it.

For those who are interested, here are the major changes to our web site:

Main Page:

Where we worked last summer, the fabulous Crazy Horse Memorial:

Badlands National Park

South Dakota Recommendations

Black Hills Overview

Probably the best state park in the country, Custer Sate Park

One of the great things about Custer State Park is the wildlife:

South Dakota overview

New page covering Mitchell


For those who want to support our web site,
Please consider placing your Amazon orders using this link
(actually will also work).

Either will take you DIRECTLY to Amazon.
We will get a small “finder’s fee”, which is used to pay the bills for the web site.
The amount you pay will be exactly the same as going to the AMAZON web site.
We are currently not getting enough to pay for the site but every bit helps.

We also have recommendations for products on amazon.
You can get to those with

Current travel plans are to head from San Marcos area to Texarkana, then up I-30 to Memphis, then up I-55 to I-57 to I-70 and Indianapolis for a visit with family, then up I-65 to our summer job.

We look forward to meeting some friend on the way. If you would like to meet with us, let us know. Use the CONTACT US page.

Also let us know what you are up to this summer. Again use the CONTACT US PAGE.

Larry of The Traveling Morgans
Phyllis, Larry, with dogs Roscoe, Harpo

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