TravelingMorgansBlog Working our way around the contiguous 48 states in our RV.

March 6, 2015

Traveling Morgans Getting Ready for Spring Travels

Filed under: 2015 — admin @ 9:54 PM
Yellow Mounds area of Badlands NP in SD

Yellow Mounds area of Badlands NP in SD

The above picture was from last spring on our way to Crazy Horse.

Our time in the beautiful Hill Country of Texas is coming to a close.
We have found a nice little hide-a-away campground with just 15 sites in the quaint little town of Wimberley.

We have had a very wet winter, and the gorgeous Spring roadside wildflowers that make the Hill Country famous should be unbelievable this year. We may or may not get a chance to see them. We will be leaving earlier than usual since our summer job starts April 15, and we want some time with our daughter and grandson whom are on our way.

We will be working in Indiana for the first time since we hit the road 10 years ago. We will be at Oak Lake campground just south of the town of Roselawn near I-65 between Merrillville and Lafayette.

Phyllis is still having trouble with her back and cannot walk much. We had hoped a new medication would make things better, but it is not enough. Again we have found a job that will let her work mostly from a sitting position and owners that will work with us. It will also be our first summer working in a destination campground, where families come to spend time in the campground and campground activities are a major part of the attraction. We are looking forward to it.

For those who are interested, here are the major changes to our web site:

Main Page:

Where we worked last summer, the fabulous Crazy Horse Memorial:

Badlands National Park

South Dakota Recommendations

Black Hills Overview

Probably the best state park in the country, Custer Sate Park

One of the great things about Custer State Park is the wildlife:

South Dakota overview

New page covering Mitchell


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We will get a small “finder’s fee”, which is used to pay the bills for the web site.
The amount you pay will be exactly the same as going to the AMAZON web site.
We are currently not getting enough to pay for the site but every bit helps.

We also have recommendations for products on amazon.
You can get to those with

Current travel plans are to head from San Marcos area to Texarkana, then up I-30 to Memphis, then up I-55 to I-57 to I-70 and Indianapolis for a visit with family, then up I-65 to our summer job.

We look forward to meeting some friend on the way. If you would like to meet with us, let us know. Use the CONTACT US page.

Also let us know what you are up to this summer. Again use the CONTACT US PAGE.

Larry of The Traveling Morgans
Phyllis, Larry, with dogs Roscoe, Harpo

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