TravelingMorgansBlog Working our way around the contiguous 48 states in our RV.

June 16, 2009

Leaving San Marcos TX, going to Indianapolis, then on to Yellowstone

Filed under: Beginning — admin @ 6:56 PM

Hello and belated greetings.

Larry has been negligent in keeping everyone updated on the Traveling Morgans, and there have been no significant web page updates.

Here is what is happening for the Traveling Morgans.

First we have a new travel trailer. We have been making it into something that works for us — customizing our new home, as it were. [post links to pictures here].

While we were customizing the trailer and shaking out the bugs any new unit has, we had planned staying in San Marcos Texas. This would have also allowed us to get on social security (2010  for Larry, soon for Phyllis), but it was not to be                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    .

As to why we left San Marcos, the crux of the matter is the hours Larry was expected to work increased and Larry found he could not work them. When attempts to work things out were unsuccessful, the Traveling Morgans had to travel.

We were on our way to visit our children in Indianapolis, and calling to check on jobs, when we got an offer from West Yellowstone Montana and accepted it. We are due in West Yellowstone by the fourth of July. We will leave Indianapolis about June 24 and head for Yellowstone. Instead of July and August in Texas heat, we will be exploring the wonders of Yellowstone with its cool summers.

While we were in Texas, the most amazing thing we did this time was to take a skimmer boat trip out of Rockport TX to view the bird nesting areas of the Texas Gulf Coast. We saw more than 20 whooping cranes (largest and nearly the rarest of North American birds) and had dolphins swim with the boat.

For those interested in the technical information, here is what is keeping us from updating the web pages for now:

Larry found the software he was using to build the TravelingMorgans.Com web site was causing some problems. The html code it produced was bad and hard for browsers to load unless you had a high speed line. The “application builder”  html also causes Google to rank the pages very low. Larry is now learning HTML and related items from the ground up, and will then get some test pages up this summer.

We have seen some new things (like the Rockport boat trip) , and discovered other things we should post. New content will be coming. Old content will be converted.

Larry also reached the breaking point with Microsoft’s security issues and decided to migrate to Linux. He is learning a lot of new software. The changes to the web site encouraged this change. As long as Larry needs to learn new web development software, why not something free he can use for a long time in a free operating system?

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