TravelingMorgansBlog Working our way around the contiguous 48 states in our RV.

July 19, 2015

Sometimes you must take a step back before you can go forward.

Filed under: 2015 — admin @ 7:48 AM

Sometimes you must take a step back before you can go forward.
All Journeys ultimately come to an end.

Which is it for the Traveling Morgans? We are not sure.
We have been on the road for eleven years, working our way around the country. We have not seen everything we wanted to see, but we have seen more than we ever thought we would see.

Our summer job did not work out this year.
Phyllis was in a lot of pain and facing other physical issues.
The job did not make all of the allowances that were promised.

We are now in Columbus Indiana, and we will head to Texas early this fall.
Phyllis will attempt to get adequate medical care there, and we will see if she can heal enough to travel again.
If we do travel again, Phyllis will not be working.
This winter, Larry will attempt to find part-time work near San Antonio that matches his skill set.
He will also try to market his photographs and writings of our travels.

We will also investigate a place that we can permanently park our travel trailer in case Phyllis cannot continue traveling.

If the traveling is at an end, we have had a wonderful run and seen more amazing things than we ever thought would be possible. We continually advise people not to wait to follow their dream. Tomorrow is not guaranteed for anyone. We are glad we followed our dream when we did.

Larry will resume developing our web site. There are at least two years worth of material that are not properly developed, so you will continue see major changes to the web site.

Perhaps we will have some “guest writers & photographers” cover areas we have not traveled personally. There would be full credit given, but since our web site is not making any money, payment would not be possible at this time. Let us know if you are interested. We have some big gaps and some areas have only skimpy coverage.

If you are going to be in the San Antonio area this winter, lets get together!
We well have good Internet service, so Skype is also a possibility.

Please let us know what is going on in your life and where you are.

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