Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!
We trust your time with family and/or friends was good.
Phyllis and Larry are working at Wales West Light Railway and our Christmas display is now up and ready.
Larry’s latest task was to get Peace On Earth to work.
See photo
We took this position to work with children and trains. We hope this happens over the Christmas season.
We had Thanksgiving dinner with the workers and campers at the RV park.
We are thankful that our summer job is lined up.
We will be working at the Crazy Horse Monument in the Black Hills.
We hope to see some of you there.
Crazy Horse is history in the making — the biggest monument in the history of the world!
Speaking of TravelingMorgans.com, Larry has completed the upgrade of the TEXAS section.
You can now go to http://www.travelingmorgans.com/TX/index.shtml and select any of the 18 pages of Texas information and pictures.
We are working to incorporate the web site. Once this is done we will begin to build the brand and allow recommended business to sponsor a page.