TravelingMorgansBlog Working our way around the contiguous 48 states in our RV.

June 9, 2014

Party with the Animals

Filed under: 2014 — admin @ 8:16 AM

Phyllis and I have had more fun observing wild animals this spring in South Dakota.

We have several movies, but I cannot get them into a blog, so I will have to add a regular web page for them

In Badlands National Park, we found Mountain Sheep (Bighorn) right by the road.


Two Ewes in Badlands National Park

Two Ewes in Badlands National Park

What are EWE doing here?

What are EWE doing here?

Next was Custer State Park in the Black Hills of South Dakota, where they were out in force.

Bison Migrating

Bison Migrating

Bison Calves

Bison Calves


Prairie Dogs

Prairie Dogs

Prairie Dogs

Prairie Dogs

Prairie Dogs

Prairie Dogs


Begging Burros

Begging Burros

Begging Burros

Begging Burros


Pronghorns in Prairie Dog Town

Pronghorns in Prairie Dog Town




Pronghorn Juveniles

Pronghorn Juveniles





The bright Mountain Bluebird is found through the Black Hills.

Mountain Bluebird

Mountain Bluebird


Crazy Horse

On our way up to the arm of the Crazy Horse Monument, we caught this sight:


Mtn Goat Billy

Mtn Goat Nanny

Mtn Goat Nanny

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