TravelingMorgansBlog Working our way around the contiguous 48 states in our RV.

May 24, 2014

Starting work at Crazy Horse

Filed under: 2014 — admin @ 7:03 AM
Phyllis and I had our first day at on the job for the Crazy Horse Memorial Foundation on Thursday, May 22. Unfortunately as soon as we reported for work, we learned of the death the night before of a great human being who taught everyone to follow their dream, and the dream she shared with her husband was certainly big. Ruth Ziolkowski was CEO of Crazy Horse Memorial Foundation since  the death of her husband Kroczak in 1982.  She died of cancer at the age 87. Korczak   began construction of the Crazy Horse Memorial in 1948 when he was 40 years old. Design work had began earlier Korczak knew from the beginning he would not live to complete the work, but he and Ruth worked by faith in their dream. When completed, the Crazy Horse Memorial will be the largest mountain carving and largest memorial in the world. The head of Crazy Horse alone is larger than Mount Rushmore.
The Crazy Horse Foundation has turned down all government money and relies on contributions and admission fees to pay the mountain sized cost of this monumental project.
On the day we were trained, we were taken up to just in front of the face of Crazy Horse. Standing in from of a a stone face over 87 feet high is quite an experience.
The other picture is of the Crazy Horse Memorial from about a mile away in the fog.
I would encourage everyone to visit Crazy Horse in person. It is history in the making. Projects of large size take amounts of time that boggle the mind. This one is much larger.
If you cannot make it to South Dakota to see the monument in person. go to the web site and learn more:
You can also got to our web site page for Crazy Horse:
Phyllis and Larry on Crazy Horse Memorial

Phyllis and Larry on Crazy Horse Memorial

The face of Crazy Horse over 87 feet high.

The face of Crazy Horse over 87 feet high.




Crazy Horse Memorial in fog, about 1 mile away.

Crazy Horse Memorial in fog, about 1 mile away.

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