Lake Superior is the largest freshwater lake in the world by its surface area, and third largest by volume of water, with
more water than the other 4 great lakes combined, with enough water to cover the whole 48 contiguos states 5 feet deep in
fresh water. Neither Texas nor Alaska has anything to compare.
One of its marvels is the Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore. To truly appreciate this marvel, you must go by boat. It is
easy to see how this area was named for the stains caused by various minerals in the water. There are also some unique
geographic formations. We have Chapel Rock, Lovers Leap, Grand Portal and Miners Castle, along with a sample of Pictured
Rocks and 60 foot high Spray Falls.
We will be heading south through Wisconsin (perhaps stopping at the Door Peninsula) into Illinois (perhaps including the
Mississippi Palisades) in the next few days.