TravelingMorgansBlog Working our way around the contiguous 48 states in our RV.

August 6, 2012

The Late Summer 2012 Update

Filed under: 2012 — admin @ 12:17 AM

This has not been our best year to this point.
We have had to battle injuries and equipment problems.
Phyllis has had some falls and is still walking with a cane, but she is now well enough to travel.
Larry has has some injuries, but more has been battling head while getting our unit road worthy again.

We have upgraded furniture and accessories for the unit.
While having new tires installed, the unit was dropped and other problems with the unit have followed.
We had shackles for the springs break and needed welding. This was done the same day.
The bedroom slide would not go in the next morning.
Two days later we were back on the road.

Phyllis’ injuries led to us not being able to complete our planned summer job in the Hill Country of Texas.
It was two months later before Phyllis was well enough to travel.
The shackles broke in Louisiana at a filling stop along I-20. The high for the day was just under 100 and the humidity matched. It was a Sunday.
By the time the work was finished, conditions were miserable.

It was the end of July, we were ready to cross the Mississippi for the first since 2009.
The last time we crossed the Mississippi  on I-20 (2008) it was in flood stage.
Now the water appeared to be at a record low level.

The next morning in Vicksburg the slide failed to go in.
Help was secured in the late afternoon.  Repairs were finished the next day and we turned north.

A two day stop in Memphis allowed us to get food from Marlowes.
This fine restaurant will pick you up from Graceland Campground in a pink limousine or deliver great food to your door.
We were not in good shape, so we elected the latter.

From Memphis we advanced to Paducah KY and we will proceed to Indianapolis to visit our children for the first time since 2009.
We are considering a late-summer early fall trip around Lake Michigan — an area we have not explored.
Hiking will be out of the question for Phyllis, but there is still a lot to see from our truck.

We do not plan to continue the commercial workamping we have been doing, but will consider volunteer positions or working just for a site.

Progress on the web site has been slow. Larry has tried to pick up his game with HTML 5 understanding and a general strengthening.

California pages were completed some months ago

It was now time to begin to upgrade our TEXAS pages to a better standard.
So far, we have one  pages moved to and one to production and one to UNDERCONSTRUCTION
RECOMMENDED (in production)
OVERVIEW (under construction)

HILL COUNTRY (coming soon)

The HILL COUNTRY and COASTAL BEND are expanding to multiple pages. One page cannot do these areas justice.
More on these areas in another letter.

We continue to expand our AMAZON affiliation. This is simple, if you go to our web site and purchase the AMAZON products we recommend, we get a commission.
If you use ANY of our AMAZON portals, we get a commission. We had some problems earlier with orders placed and delivered, but us getting no commission.
All portals are now working properly. Thanks to all who reported their purchase so we could track down issues. It really helped.

One dear friend said it was hard to remember to go to and select AMAZON when she had an order to place, so she was putting a POST IT note at the side of her monitor.

Let us know if you have particular AMAZON products you would like us to place on our AMAZON pages.
This can make it easier for you to order and also share products you have found reliable with others who might appreciate a recommendation.

Let us know also about things in your life. What is going on? Where will you be traveling? Can we get together? If you EMAIL us, we will answer and continue the exchange.
We now have SKYPE connections for video calls when the WiFi  has enough band width. If we cannot meet in person, and you want to do more than exchange emails, maybe we can arrange a SKYPE video call.

until we meet again.

Larry of The Traveling Morgans
Phyllis, Larry, with dogs Roscoe, Harpo

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