TravelingMorgansBlog Working our way around the contiguous 48 states in our RV.

May 15, 2012

May 2012 update for the Traveling Morgans

Filed under: 2012 — admin @ 4:32 AM

We are still working at Jellystone Hill Country campground. I am sure it is the last job we will take that involves nothing but cleaning.
We do not plan on traveling until this fall.

We have been doing a lot of work to get our truck and trailer to the point we want them for future travels.
Our 1999 truck now has has a 2012 paint job and a heavy duty transmission cooler with a fan.
Our trailer has new brakes and an electric awning.
We have added a solar powered fan to keep air flowing over the refrigerator coils.

We have also been working through health issues. Nothing major, but it has slowed us down.

We have spent a little time exploring the Texas Hill Country, and those experiences and pictures will be on the web site in time.
The wildflowers in the Hill Country were wonderful this spring, and we got to travel the Willow City Loop, famous for the wildflowers.
We also spent a little time in the Fredericksburg TX area and Pedernales Falls State Park.

The TravelingMorgans.Com web site has several new sections and updates.

Pages Added:
Nebraska Overview includes information on the Oregon Trail Landmarks in Nebraska.
Nebraska Recommendations are at
Our 2011 travels pages has finally been finished at

Updated pages and additions:
Some of the South Dakota pages have been updated, including:
Badlands National Park
Iron Mountain Road
California Main Pages    
Our main page              

An  Amazon Affiliate Menu has been added to make it easy for our family and friends to use TravelingMorgans.Com to place Amazon orders and to make it easier to get to our recommendations.

We are hoping income from Amazon orders — and page sponsorship on our web site — will make it possible for us to travel more and work less.
We know it is hard to remember to go to when placing an Amazon order.
Even those who really like the idea of helping us at no cost to themselves mention how hard it is to remember.
In the last three months there has not been much ordering through our web site.
What can we do to make this easier? The Amazon Associates menu is one thing we have done.
What else can we do that will be of service to you?

We do plan to expand our Amazon Product recommendations, and with that actually add more value for those placing orders through http://TravelingMorgans.Com
The Amazon Associates menu tab will take you to the recommendation categories quickly.

We are considering adding recommendations from YOU. Would you like to see this? Is it a good idea or a bad one?
If you think it is a good idea, let us know of items you would like to see recommended. Write up what you would like to say.
I will set the recommendations on a test page and send the link to you to review.

Please let us know how things are going in YOUR world.
Where are you going to be this summer and fall?
What are you doing?
Is it possible for us to get together this fall?

We really want to stay in touch.

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