TravelingMorgansBlog Working our way around the contiguous 48 states in our RV.

October 1, 2010

The Traveling Morgans are On The Road Again Fall 2010

Filed under: 2010 — admin @ 8:33 AM

We have finished our season in The Black Hills and are heading south.
Our first night is in Cheyenne WY at a Flying J.
We will see how well this works. It is a little noisy.

We plan to head south on I-25, stop in areas that look interesting and at some point turn east to San Marcos TX (scheduled to arrive Oct 11), and then on to Rockport TX.

Our most likely places to stop are Rocky Mountain National Park at Carlsbad Caverns. Nothing is written in stone. No place is certain to be on our agenda, and nothing close to a reasonable route is written off.

Let us know if we might possibly be intersecting your route or location.
We will meet with you if it is feasible.

Larry has done a lot with the South Dakota pages of the web site, but there is a lot more to do. We saw a lot and took a lot of pictures. He will send out a notice when the SD pages are finished.

In the meantime, you may want to look at these 3 pages that are pretty well finalized.
This includes a NIGHT BLAST VIDEO. Very interesting.
The original Highway to the West was the Missouri River.
The Wildlife Loop of Custer State Park is amazing!

Please write and let us know what you are doing.

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