TravelingMorgansBlog Working our way around the contiguous 48 states in our RV.

May 10, 2009

Traveling Morgans Blog to Complement Web Site

Filed under: Beginning — admin @ 5:13 AM

The website has thousands of pictures and some in depth treatment of issues.

This blog will begin to compliment this as a change to put preliminary information in place quickly.

When we travel, Larry will update the blog.

That being said, The Traveling Morgans are staying in one place for the longest time ever. We are in San Marcos Texas until May of 2010,

Many projects are coming together requiring a lot of time.

We are migrating from Windows XP to Ubuntu Linux.
We are getting new tools for writing web sites and getting familiar with them
We are still “working our way” and will be back to “working our way around the country” in 2010.
We have purchased a new RV and are working out the bugs.
We are getting all of our old photographs digitized and organize. Some of these will eventually be on the Web Page.

We still need to organize our Arizona and South Dakota web pages from our 2005-2006 time.
New experiences — primarily in Texas — need to be added.

We are going to get our recommendations page in a usable order.

The Traveling Morgans are still following our dream of seeing the natural wonders of this great country.
We want to share this will many others and encourage them to follow THEIR dream. If it is the same as ours, that is great, but it is also great to see people following whatever noncompetitive dream they have.

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